Choices, Choices - Group Therapy LA
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Choices, Choices

Choices, Choices
November 8, 2021

Do you have difficulty making decisions? If there is no easy answer, some people will delay making a choice. They don’t realize choosing to delay is a choice. And it’s one that keeps us from entering the future and living an expanded life. When it comes to choices, the only thing anyone can do is make the best decision using the information they have at the time. (This information includes any messages your gut might be sending you about the choice.) Know that a part of you will always have mixed feelings. Wondering what might have been. We can find some relief in the fact that we can never truly know how any decision will play out. Life is full of mysteries and invariables. Life tends to support us when we exercise good judgement, trust our inner guidance, and have courage. Mourn the loss that comes from making one of the two decisions. Then celebrate yourself for not trying to delay your own life from unfolding.

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