Handling Grief - Group Therapy LA
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Handling Grief

Handling Grief
May 9, 2021

Grief is one of those most painful emotions a human can experience. And one of the most healing. There is so much to love in this world, and grief is the emotion we feel when something we love is suddenly no longer in our lives. So many things may need to be grieved during the course of a life: the death of a pet, parent, friend, child. The loss of a job, or relationship, or a friendship. Moving away from a house you love, or a favorite city. Leaving your country of origin. Some leave a religion they were raised in. A treasured item or heirloom that is lost or stolen. Grief is a natural part of life. If you ignore your grief, you are simply storing it in your body, carrying it with you each day, and blocking your emotional system. To heal it means to feel it. Allow grief to come up, out, and through. The first step is to recognize the loss and that it will need to be grieved.

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